Quality Staircases

Our staircases are available in several designs and materials.

Utilising only "Paint Grade" timbers leaves the staircase with finish that is far superior to standard timbers. Timber shrinkage is also minimised, which ensures the integrity of your staircase to withstand many years of use.
Choosing the correct staircase for your application and tastes can be a hard decision to make. Let the Stairman suggest an ideal style to meet your tastes and available space, by requesting an onsite visit.

Straight Stairs

Straight Stairs

L Shaped

L Shaped



U Shaped

U Shaped

Straight with Landing

Straight with Landing

Non Convential

Non Convential

Confined Space

Confined Space


You can choose from various styles of wood such as:

A quick tour through our Gallery could uncover a design which would be ideal for your situation.